Thursday, November 17, 2011

Iowa, thanksgiving, Christmas list.....ect...

Hmmm well the hubby left for a business trip this morning to Iowa! he's only gone until tomorrow night but I still dislike it :( I guess it's just strange to be away from someone you love I don't know how so may women do it I may just be more selfish,dependent,insecure then all the other women who live weeks,months,years, without their husbands! I am forever in aww of fuses women! Great job to you!
When he get back tomorrow he will be home for 10 whole days :)
We've got a few plans to try and get done while he's home but not sure if they will pan out!
The kids go to school until Tuesday. We have our last soccer game this week and were done for the season!!!
Thanksgiving in a just a few days away and I can't wait to sepmd some much needed family fine with everyone! Also I'm looking forward to black Friday!!! Not sure if I'll buy anything but I really like going and watching everyone freak out! :)

The kids have circled their toys r us BIGBOOK and well I guess the do get more expensive the older they get but o guess were staying with in $300 per kid limit! Which now seems like a whole lot so I will be rethinking that one!!

Okay that's all for today have a great day

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Whew time flys and I forget to post here :(

But well it's been a carzy few weeks but we finally started to get cooler and maybe just maybe alittle bit of rain!!

Holley turned 9 and had a little get together with family!
Then we had Halloween just a few weeks ago and the kids had a blast of neighbors joined us for some trick or treating and then dinner at Whataburger! Where I must say am loving that they brought back the best burgers ever!! The A1 thick and hearty and the honey barbecue chicken strip sandwich!! Omg these burgers are so good but soooooo bad!!! but we had lots of fun and were done by 8pm which was aewsome since it was a school night! :)
The kids dressed up a a cheerleader,zombie,& dorothy!!

The kids are doing awesome in school they have each brought home at least 2 A's a week!!!
But they really are enjoying school and all there friends and teachers!

Now that the holidays are getting closer I'm super excited about thanksgiving and spending time without amazing families!! I'm not cooking this year but of course I can't help but think about the food!! Were going to spend the day with the hubbys family and then head over to my parents for dinnerand to get ready for BLACK FRIDAY!!! I'm not looking for anything really this year since the kids are kinda out of toys and all the baby's birthday is a few weeks before Christmas so will see what I still need to get but I really just love going to go

Well I guess that all for today I'll try to get more post!
Have a great day!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

9yrs ago this week....

9yrs ago this week I was trying to get my principal to allow me to take my maternity leave from school since I was already a week late and I knew Holley would be here any day!! So yes you read that right I was in the 11th grade as a student trying to convince my principal to let me stay home so I could have my baby girl who I love so much already and I knew I wanted to be her mom and nothing more!

As the week went by they finally told me I could take my leave since I was having contractions. I stayed home while my wonderful husband went to work at night and went to class during the day. I had my last dr Appt on weds the 22nd and she said if Holley didnt show by the 24th then we would be inducing in the 25th(MAJOR FREAK OUT) I was ready but so scared:-/

I had my bags packed and had the hubby call into to work and we let the school know he wasn't coming in to class. That Friday we woke up at 4:30am an headed to the hospital for our induction and the arrival of our baby girl!

They started me on the med for contractions and then well honestly it a little fussy I know there was pain lots of pain and my epi wasn't working I ripped and had to be sewn up with out pain medicine :( but It was all so very worth it
Holley was born at 8lbs 10oz & 21 1/2 inches long!

She made me a mom a friend a person I didn't know I could be.. Now 9yrs later I think about all the fun and heart ache we've been through as a family and I am so blessed to call her my daughter,friend& and most of all the love of my life!!!
Baby girl I love you so much I'm so glad god has blessed me to with allowing me to be you mom!
Thank you for being you for making me grow up and learn you are all I never knew I wanted!

Mommy loves you

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

5 more days!!!

5 more days until school starts!!! (doing the happy dance!!!!)

It's strange for me to be excited for school I. Usually on the verge of tears when someone talk school but this year I'm happy the kids love their school so much and are very happy to see their "old friends" it make my heart happy to know they are happy!!
Were just about done school shopping I just need a few more things like lunch boxes actually lunch bags and I need to find some reusable sandwhich bags and snack bags but that can wait a little bit. They have decided they want me to pack their lunch every day which will get boring so I'm looking for some new lunch ideas!
We meet the new teachers tomorrow night and they get to take their back packs and school supplies tomorrow too!!

Eliana has gotten so big!!! Shes about 25lbs already and stress clapping when she does something cool! She very funny but will miss her bubba and sissy when school starts! :( but will jsuy have to wait and see!

well I need to make lunch so...

Have a great day!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's for dinner??

Tonight were having chili cheese dogs and doritos!! Nope not very healthy but oh so yummy and quick. When it's 110 degrees outside in the shade I don't want to heat the house up any more then I have too!!!
The kids and I spent most of our day inside ut finally ventured out around 5:30 to the pool it was nice not to sweat for a few hrs! But my poor hubby has to endure this heat he's been going in early just to try to beat the heat but it's still very HOT whit no end in sight at least not until at least november!?!?!?

Today Eliana is 8mos old today and she has started to pull her self up onto whatever she thinks will hold her now that doesn't always work and she has the bruises to prove it! But she has also started cruise (walk along the object she holding onto) which she LOVES which she shows by squiling as loud as possible!!

Hubby and I are starting to be "grown ups" by starting a budget and sticking to it!!!
So as of today no more eating out for any if us I will be making his lunch everyday!
So were are going to go from eating out 5-7times a week to 0!!! Also I'm making myself stick to a grocery budget which I've never done before so with feeding 6 and buying diapers and formula is gonna be quite a job for me but I will do it and stick to it!
I really think the grocery budget will be the worst part of this process!
So wish us luck our newest journey!

The kids start school in 21 daysand they are kinda getting exciting which is fun or me and them. We went clothes shoppinglast week and got some good deals at khols and JcPennys which is always fun!!

Well that's all for tonight!!!

Monday, July 18, 2011

I fail as a blogger!!!

So yeah I fail as a blogger but here we go
Eliana is now 7mos old and she started crawling on Friday night!!
We also took herto the beach for the 1st time on sat and well let's just say she couldn't get enough....of the sand! She was trying to eat it by the handfuls!! Oh my I tried so hard to get her not to eat it but I'm sure she got some sand in her belly!

Holley and Sebastian loved the beach as they have since they were E's age!
But we also got to spend some time with my mil's kidney sister and her family which is always great!

Dh got back last week for cleveland Ohio he was there for work and got a day off so he got to go to niagara falls for the day which I totally hate him for(not really but still alittle upset I didnt go ): )

Well the count down for Back to School has began 5weeks and counting!
But now the school shopping and crowds have began to flock to the stores which is awful time of year!
Holley will be starting the 3rd grade and sebastain will be going to the 1st gread I have promised them I won't cry while I drop them off but I cant promise I won't be crying on the way out of the room!!

Well that's all for today who knows maybe I'll be back tomorrow!
Have a great day!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer is here!! :)

Summer is here! And like a true summer the kids are Already BORED!!!! gah.... Really guys how can you be bored already???

But alast they are and we have to find things from the to do but with this Texas heat wave already hitting us it's hard to be outside after 10am until about 7pm so it's been quite a unhappy household to say the least!

It's memorial day weekend and we are crazy busy! Dh(dear husband) and I have a wedding this Friday! And Saturday we have Enochs high school graduation and then a graduation party right after! On Sunday we have church and a pot luck lunch right after! On Monday we will be enjoying dhs day off!

Eliana is getting so big she's almost 6mos old and just such a very happy baby!!

Anywoo baby is awake now so more later!

Have a great memorial day weekend!


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Hmmmmmm it's been such a happy time I kinda feel like the floor going to fall out from under us!!!
But then I think and realize this is our life it an amazing blessing from god!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
These blessings I thank god every day for them!!!

Well Easter was last weekend and it was soooooo much fun and busy!!
We had 4 yes 4 egg hunts and have more candy then the the past few holloweens combined!
But the kids are pretty good and are only getting 1 piece a day!
E had a good time I guess she wasn't to interested in the egg hunts just what she could get in her mouth!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Well today is the closing ceremony for awanas :( it just the start of the end of the school year stuff! Sebastain last day will be may 20th and Holleys will be june 3rd then we start swim lessons and who know what else yet!

Well off to do more laundry and cleaning the never-ending household stuff!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1/3 of the year!!

Whew it April already!! What an awesome year we've had already the kids have been so busy with school and church but we have so much more planned for this year!! School will be out in about 5weeks and we have a trip to VA and I pretty sure were going to go on a 1st family train ride there!! It really exciting since none of us have ever been on a train before!!

Baby E has just been such a busy body these last few weeks it so sad she has gone from newborn to baby that can move in just a week!!
We started feeding her oatmeal and then the next day she ROLLED!!!! so since she has mastered rolling from her back to belly but not anything else thank goodness!! I dont think I could handle her growing up anymore just yet!! And we have also started giving her some veggies so green beans have been a hit :)
Just a silly pic!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Big girl H has been doing really good in school but we been having a few times where she just rebels and wants nothing to do with school work :( but it's just a few more weeks and we won't have to deal with it just the boredom of summer!! Also they just had their 5 6weeks awards ceremony and Holley got the super sciencetist awards!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Big boy S well believe it or not but he brought home his 1research paper that's due in 2 weeks :( why would you give a kindergartner a research paper????? They aren't going to to the work I am?!?!?!? Ugh well I know it's not the teacher doing it the stupid distict that want to feel superior by having kindergarten do research paper?!?!? :(( anywoo he's been having an amazing time in school and can't wait for next year!!
We had a pine car durby race and sebastain got 3place in the speed contest he was so proud!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Well that's all for today! And rembember "don't complain about the 10 things you didn't do be happy with the 3 things you did get done!"
Love always!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring break is over!!!

We had a such a great fine over spring break!! We took the kids to the Dallas zoo and aquarium. We even got to "live" in hotel which I think was the kids favorite part!! At the zoo we got to hand feed giraffes :) it was sooo amazing they ate so beautiful and calm around sooo many people that were there! But still so awesome :)
We came home to a wonderful family that came to visit from washington state!! Angle my mother in laws sister as well and her daughter Tiffany came down and they also brought my MILs uncle Bucky(he so sweet)!
It was uncles buckys 1st time to Texas and he is a 52 yr old with down syndrome and had and awesome time we took him bowling and to play pool and to eat hot dogs at sonic which were his favorite I think!!
Tiffany hadn't been back to Texas since she was 10 but it was fun to finally meet her and spend some time with family!!
But they left yesterday back to Washington and now I have an even bigger itch to get our family up there to see what a beautiful place it really is!!!!

Well the kids have gone back to school and they are loving it as much as they could!
Theres only 7more weeks of school left and they are so excited I need to find some camp for the kids this summer so off to look after I get laundry done!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday =\

Well it hump day :-/ and boy am I feeling like I can't get over that hump?!?!? I've been trying to get get things ready and clean for our mini family get away on Friday but I can't seem to keep up?!?!?
On Friday we plan on going to Dallas and spend the weekend goingto the zoo and aquarium and a few others museums and hopefully have a relaxing weekend! :) also it's only a 3.5hr drive and we've never driven that for with the baby before so hopefully it won't be to much! We do plan on making a few stops as possible :-/ so off I go to do more laundry and cleaning..... :-/

Sunday, March 6, 2011

What a weekend!!!

What an awesome weekend we had!!! Friday was kinda strange hubby and I were home by 8:30 and had baby with us?!?!? It usually our date night but the kids had other plans o-O Holley was invited to a after school birthday party and they brought her home at 10pm O-O way past her bed time but she had a BLAST with all her friends! And Mr. Sebastain went to see a cool show with Memaw and Elias which was really cool for them to hang out with a girl tagging along!
Saturday was another awesome day Memaw invited Tia over to help clean her house before her sister and neice come to vist from Washington! Boy oh boy did they get the place cleaned up lot if thing went out the door! Only I wasnt invited because I would have just thrown everything away! We so cooked a lunch/dinner for the hubby since his birthday was on Tuesday and we hadn't done anything here at home for him. So then we were all in need of some good sleep after the past few day so all 5 yes there's 5 of us now were in bed by 9:45!!!
A d well today we skipped church and went for a drive to good old hearne a d had breakfast at amas then just drove around and came home and cooked somemore!! And played pinky and had a blast again!! Well thaw all for tonight good night world!!


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Heres my baby girl a few weeks ago!! :) she's soooooooooooooo silly!

So today I've managed to get the Laundry put away that been in a basket since Sunday! Bad mommy I know but I really HATE laundry?!?!? :( but I still have more laundry that needs to be done........

Last night was dr. Suess night at awans and I made the kids into
One fish
Two fish
Red fish
Blue fish
and made aunt Betty into cat in the hat! Lot of fun

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

5 months huh?!?!?

Wow 5 months flys when your having fun!!!
Well let see had a great thanksgiving I cooked for about 14 people! Yes on my due date I cooked thanksgiving dinner! Woohoo go me!!! About a week later on Dec 2nd I gave birth to a beautiful 8lbs 10 oz baby girl Eliana America May
The kids have been really amazing with her they love her soooooooooooooo much. So does her daddy!! He even stayed at the hospital with me overnight!!! No he didn't with the older 2 but it okay hes not a big fan of hospitals and it was only 1 night!

And well shes doing awesome she stated sleeping through the night at 4 weeks and we've been on that schedule ever since!
Christmas was really nice our family felt complete not that it wasn't before but now it was really complete :)

New years was a little different Holley and sebastian stayed at my parent to PARTY!!! And hubby's and I came home and were I'm bed by 12:01am!!!

February flew by very fast I guess because its a short month anyways we don't really notice but Sebastian turned 6yrs old on the 10th and lost 2 teeth shortly after! And speaking of teeth Holley found out I was the tooth fairy :( It was all my fault I was busy feeding baby and doing laundry when she asked ifthe tooth fairy was gonna bring her more money? And I just blurted out I'll the money in a minute.............. Well she was like MOM!!!! your the tooth fairy!!!!! And I start bawlling tears are a flowing and my baby girl is just beyond her self she not sure what to think!!! But now we have a little secret we get to play on brother ad baby sister!! :)
Well I guess that's all for today I really need to get this blogging thing down a little better hopefully I can get some pictures up!!!
<3 Aliria