Thursday, September 15, 2011

9yrs ago this week....

9yrs ago this week I was trying to get my principal to allow me to take my maternity leave from school since I was already a week late and I knew Holley would be here any day!! So yes you read that right I was in the 11th grade as a student trying to convince my principal to let me stay home so I could have my baby girl who I love so much already and I knew I wanted to be her mom and nothing more!

As the week went by they finally told me I could take my leave since I was having contractions. I stayed home while my wonderful husband went to work at night and went to class during the day. I had my last dr Appt on weds the 22nd and she said if Holley didnt show by the 24th then we would be inducing in the 25th(MAJOR FREAK OUT) I was ready but so scared:-/

I had my bags packed and had the hubby call into to work and we let the school know he wasn't coming in to class. That Friday we woke up at 4:30am an headed to the hospital for our induction and the arrival of our baby girl!

They started me on the med for contractions and then well honestly it a little fussy I know there was pain lots of pain and my epi wasn't working I ripped and had to be sewn up with out pain medicine :( but It was all so very worth it
Holley was born at 8lbs 10oz & 21 1/2 inches long!

She made me a mom a friend a person I didn't know I could be.. Now 9yrs later I think about all the fun and heart ache we've been through as a family and I am so blessed to call her my daughter,friend& and most of all the love of my life!!!
Baby girl I love you so much I'm so glad god has blessed me to with allowing me to be you mom!
Thank you for being you for making me grow up and learn you are all I never knew I wanted!

Mommy loves you