Tuesday, April 12, 2011

1/3 of the year!!

Whew it April already!! What an awesome year we've had already the kids have been so busy with school and church but we have so much more planned for this year!! School will be out in about 5weeks and we have a trip to VA and I pretty sure were going to go on a 1st family train ride there!! It really exciting since none of us have ever been on a train before!!

Baby E has just been such a busy body these last few weeks it so sad she has gone from newborn to baby that can move in just a week!!
We started feeding her oatmeal and then the next day she ROLLED!!!! so since she has mastered rolling from her back to belly but not anything else thank goodness!! I dont think I could handle her growing up anymore just yet!! And we have also started giving her some veggies so green beans have been a hit :)
Just a silly pic!!
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Big girl H has been doing really good in school but we been having a few times where she just rebels and wants nothing to do with school work :( but it's just a few more weeks and we won't have to deal with it just the boredom of summer!! Also they just had their 5 6weeks awards ceremony and Holley got the super sciencetist awards!!
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Big boy S well believe it or not but he brought home his 1research paper that's due in 2 weeks :( why would you give a kindergartner a research paper????? They aren't going to to the work I am?!?!?!? Ugh well I know it's not the teacher doing it the stupid distict that want to feel superior by having kindergarten do research paper?!?!? :(( anywoo he's been having an amazing time in school and can't wait for next year!!
We had a pine car durby race and sebastain got 3place in the speed contest he was so proud!!
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Well that's all for today! And rembember "don't complain about the 10 things you didn't do be happy with the 3 things you did get done!"
Love always!

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